
Desktop Wallpaper Images

We just got the complete set of 42 beautiful desktop wallpaper images based on the book covers and maps. There are sizes and layouts for almost every cellphone, computer, and tablet. You can still get access to this limited edition set of…
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Thread Slivers & Thread Strands Publication Funded!

Thanks to all out our outstanding backers we did it! Not only did we get the initial $2,000 we asked for but we also crossed the 200% funding line! My wife and I want to give you all a colossal thank you for your remarkable support. As…
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2013-08 Thread Strands

Thread Strands is being prepared to be published as a hardback and mass-market paperback via a Kickstarter campaign. It is the second book of the highly rated high fantasy / hard science-fiction genre blending Golden Threads Trilogy, originally published in August of 2013 . Check out the updated first chapter excerpt for the new hardback edition.
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The Many POVs of the Golden Threads Trilogy

The characters set the tone of any book. The character line up for The Golden Threads Trilogy are a pretty interesting crew, one has to wonder how so many lives could even meet, let alone working together. I've assembled many of the character descriptions, summarized size of each role, explain some of the POV, and even provide pronunciation audio clips.