
Duke just get to me 150x107

Lords and Ladies You’re Using Latin!

Many astute readers and reviewers have clued in on the fact that the "ancient imperial command language" in The Golden Threads Trilogy is Latin. In the third book, becomes blindingly obvious to every reader. A few folks have praised the use of Latin as ingenious, while others have a less friendly opinion. A fan emailed me and inspired me to answer the question "Why Latin?" in detail. You might be surprised by my answer.

Your Excellency or Your Grace?

A number of people are confused by certain title usages within the Golden Threads world. To help relieve some confusion here is the Duianna Empire's ranking chart which includes the titles, style of address, and shows how the various ranks interact within the kingdoms founded by or separated from the original Duianna Empire. There are some other countries which have only been briefly mentioned that we might explore in future works. However, for those who have finished the first book you will see that the style of address used for all the characters does follow the correct protocols.

This includes additional items being added to the Lexicon for the second book were we have a little more high court interactions.